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BIBI, NE BOJ SE Poljska neće uhititi Netanyhaua dođe li na komemoraciju u Auschwitz

Poljska je u četvrtak dala do znanja da izraelski premijer Benjamin Netanyahu neće biti uhićen ako dođe na svečano obilježavanje 80 godina od oslobođenja Auschwitza. “Bilo koji predstavnik izraelskog vodstva koji želi prisustvovati komemoraciji 27. siječnja bit će siguran i neće biti uhićen”, rekao je poljski premijer Donald Tusk, nakon što se njegov kabinet dogovorio […]

The main conceptual idea of the article is that Poland has guaranteed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not be arrested if he attends the 80th-anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This comes despite an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant for Netanyahu related to alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. Poland's stance is aimed at ensuring Netanyahu's safety and encouraging his participation in the important event.

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